IVIROVR_360 Virtual Healing Modality – Nature is the Healing Source.
As stated by William Stegner, “Wilderness is important to the human spirit, to the gene bank, to the body of life. It is essential to modern man’s survival.” The role our environment plays in our daily lives is of utmost importance. How we relate to our jobs, our families the people we encounter, and most importantly ourselves. There is no doubt that a direct correlation between our physical and mental well-being is strongly tied to our environment and immediate surroundings. David Hoptman of InviroVR discusses these finding in greater depth below.
IVIROVR_360 Virtual Healing Modality Nature
The therapeutic effects of frequenting natural environments as well as Virtual environments has been substantiated and documented. Through scientific studies at Desert Hills adolescent mental health facility located in Albuquerque NM. There is strong evidence demonstrating that simulated 360-degree Nature based Virtual Realities, significantly increased healing. In addition, use of the wearables did so while reducing stress, much like frequenting Nature itself.
In 1992 David Hoptman proposed and implemented “The Room for Inner Peace”, the name chosen by the patients at Desert Hills. The room’s design consists of a 360-photographic mural of lush green hilly forest’s leading down to the sea. Khaki colored futons and pillows cover the floor of a 12×16 ft. room. Clouds covered the ceiling and the space was retro-fitted with lighting controls, surround-sound and aroma therapy.
The most commonly shared experience was the perception of the walls disappearing while being transported into Nature itself. The point Simply being; the illusion of Nature within a sterile institutional setting creates an ambiance of peace and well-being, greatly aiding in the healing process. The cost savings to Hospitals, the public and associated venues will be staggering by implementing 360 VR as an innovative healing modality.
InViroVr_360 Virtual Reality Healing Environments
City Sprawl is the way in which the environment manifests itself for most of the people living on the planet today, 2017. The City is a dynamically evolving sociological entity and mother to many subsequent institutions. Such as hospitals, mental health facilities, prisons etc. The primary constraint institutional life places on its populous is that its confines are man-made. Consequently, and for the most part void of natural settings and open space. This in my opinion is the core of much of the neurosis, psychosis and spiritual alienation that we find so prevalent in our societies today.
Environmental décor such as gardens, landscaping, organic wood furnishings, flowers, house plants, pets etc. These are instrumental in bringing the energetic of our natural world into our synthetic surroundings. Our national park systems down to our city parks were created on a grander scale for the same reasons. Thus they give the public a chance to escape its daily institutional environment. Camping, hunting, fishing and even a ride in the country. These will sometimes satisfy our inherent urge to be surrounded and feel more in sync with Nature. Our Mother, our Heritage.
Due to stressful circumstances imposed upon us by urban life most of us are unable to frequent Nature as often as we would like. Subsequently, this results in a broad-spectrum of frustration, stress and feelings of alienation.
An Uptake in Virtual Reality Technology and Content

The recent rollout of 360 virtual reality headsets and software by such as Google Daydream, Samsung Gear VR, Sony PS VR, and Facebook’s Oculus Rift to name a few. All these can now be used to assist us in enhancing our overall health and well-being. That can be even while being confined within therapeutic treatment centers like Hospitals, Hospice, Retirement Homes as well as work place and our Homes.
Virtual Reality immersive content personifying natural environments is now being implemented to effectively treat burn victims, PTSD patients, and phobias. In addition to a host of many other conditions that undermine the health and well-being of millions suffering worldwide.
INVIROVR is now poised to introduce and supply Virtual Reality headsets along with appropriate content that will help reduce stress, suffering and alienation. All the while augmenting healing and overall wellness. Nature is the Healing Source. The innovation is the delivery method.
PLEASE KEEP ME POSTED… I have a follow up article to publish